Ahasuerus then makes arrangements to choose a new queen from a selection of beautiful young women from throughout the empire (2:1–4). Among these women is a Jewish orphan named Esther, who was raised by her cousin or uncle, Mordecai (2:5–7). She finds favour in the King's eyes, and is crowned his new queen, but does not reveal her Jewish. Buy Microsoft Surface Pro 6 KJV-00016 Intel Core i7 8th Gen 8650U (1.90 GHz) 16 GB Memory 512 GB SSD Intel UHD Graphics 620 12.3' Touchscreen 2736 x 1824 Detachable 2-in-1 Laptop Windows 10 Home 64-Bit with fast shipping and top-rated customer service. Aug 11, 2020 - And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.
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1Dareanyof you,havinga matteragainstanother,go to lawbeforethe unjust,andnotbeforethe saints?2Do yenotknowthatthe saintsshall judgethe world?andifthe worldshall be judgedbyyou,are yeunworthyto judgethe smallest matters?3Know yenotthatwe shall judgeangels?how much morethings that pertain to this life?4Ifthenye havejudgmentsof things pertaining to this life,setthemto judge who are least esteemedinthe church.5I speakto yourshame.Is it so,that thereis nota wise manamongyou?no, notonethatshall be ableto judgebetweenhisbrethren?6Butbrothergoeth to lawwithbrother,andthatbeforethe unbelievers.
7Nowthereforethere isutterlya faultamongyou,becauseye goto lawone withanother.Whydo yenotrathertake wrong?whydo yenotrather[suffer yourselves to] be defrauded?8Nay,yedo wrong,anddefraud,andthat[your] brethren.
9<2228> Know yenotthatthe unrighteousshallnotinheritthe kingdomof God?Benotdeceived:neitherfornicators,noridolaters,noradulterers,noreffeminate,norabusers of themselves with mankind,10Northieves,norcovetous,nordrunkards,norrevilers,norextortioners,shall inheritthe kingdomof God.11Andsuchweresome of you:butye are washed,butye are sanctified,butye are justifiedinthe nameof the LordJesus,andbythe Spiritof ourGod.
Our Bodies are Members of Christ
12All thingsare lawfulunto me,butall thingsarenotexpedient:all thingsare lawfulfor me,butIwillnotbe brought under the powerofany.13Meatsfor the belly,andthe bellyfor meats:butGodshall destroybothitandthem.Nowthe body[is] notfor fornication,butfor the Lord;andthe Lordfor the body.14AndGodhathbothraised upthe Lord,andwillalsoraise upusbyhis ownpower.15Know yenotthatyourbodiesarethe membersof Christ?shall Ithentakethe membersof Christ,and make[them] the membersof an harlot?God forbid.16What?know yenotthathe which is joinedto an harlotisonebody?fortwo,saith he,shall beoneflesh.17Buthe that is joinedunto the Lordisonespirit.
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(Romans 12:1-8; 1 Corinthians 3:16-18)
18Fleefornication.Everysinthata mandoethiswithoutthe body;buthe that committeth fornicationsinnethagainsthis ownbody.19What?know yenotthatyourbodyisthe templeof the HolyGhost[which is] inyou,whichye haveofGod,andye arenotyour own?20Forye are boughtwith a price:thereforeglorifyGodinyourbody,andinyourspirit,whichareGod's. Apollo one 2 3 0 1.